Kula events & Announcements
Yoga Teacher Training Q&A (Free)
Free Yoga Teacher Training Q&A Session will be held in person soon! Sign up to let us know you’re interested.
Yoga Teacher Training Q&A ONLINE (Free)
Free Yoga Teacher Training Q&A Session will be held in person soon! Sign up to let us know you’re interested.
Pop Up! Kirtan, Chanting and Songs for Universal Peace
Join in this joyful event at the studio! Drop ins welcome.
More details…
Pop Up! Kirtan, Chanting and Songs for Universal Peace
Join Matt Lerner and Madison friends to enjoy an evening of Kirtan, Chanting and Songs of Universal peace. Matt will guide a few songs, and we welcome you to join in with voices, instruments and/or dance or sit quietly. If you'd like to lead a chant or song, please contact Matt at slsyogacenter@gmail.com to help us coordinate. We welcome you to bring a tune to share with the the group to enjoy!
Please bring your own instruments or simply your voice and presences to help create the event together. Evening will last from 1 to 1.5 hours depending on group participation. *FREE EVENT* and donations welcome. Event may include some guided meditation.
Schedule Update
Thanksgiving Schedule
Thanksgiving Day, November 28th : 11am - 12:15pm Flow
Day After, November 29th : 11am - 12:15pm Flow
All Other Days per usual schedule
Cacao Ceremony: Into the Heart Temple w/ Aubree Saia
Enter the temple of the heart… behold and be held at this nurturing community gathering for spiritual nourishment and self reflection.
Ceremonial Cacao known as "The Food of the Gods" is revered as a highly vibrational sacred plant medicine. It is one of the oldest holistic practices dating back to 1900BC. Traditionally used by indigenous cultures and ancient shamans to unify ……..
Schedule Additions
New Classes Added:
Tuesdays 4pm Community Class Flow w/ Ali
Starts November 5th
Wednesdays Noon Flow w/ Peter
Starts November 6th
Thursdays 4pm Flow w/ Ali
Starts November 7th
FRIDAYS 9AM Morning Yoga w/ Amie
Starts January 3rd
Two Year Anniversary open house Party!
FREE YOGA WEEKEND EXTRAVAGANZA... Click below for more details!
Chanting Practice
Iris Mickey will lead yoga based chants that bring us to the bliss of our hearts desire for connection! Click for more
Schedule Update
Saturday Fun & Flow
will start at 8:15am for the final time on September 7th
Thereafter, the class will begin at 8:30am and go until 9:30am (starting Saturday September 14th)
Schedule Update
Labor Day Schedule
….will be 11am Flow Only (75 minutes), Enjoy your day!
Yoga Teacher Training Q&A (Free)
Are you curious about our Yoga Teacher Training or the Deep Dive in General? (Note: about half of trainees take the training for deeper study and have not interest in teaching) There’s no commitment. Whether you are interested in yoga teaching, in deepening your practice or study of yoga, or simply want to see what it’s all about, come with your questions and your ears.
We will begin by giving an overview of the Training, from the most practical parts to the deeper process and philosophy. Then we will explore your questions. Come and get a sense of what it’s all about!
Sign Up Here For Free
Summer Yoga Rocks!
Every August, Alex likes to break things up a little bit and do yoga to some Classic Rock in an event we call Summer Yoga Rocks! Each mix is put together to be conducive for yoga and rocking. Click “View Event” to See the Rockin’ Schedule
Happy Father’s Day! Free Yoga for All Dads Sunday
Free Yoga For Dad
Dads like Yoga Too.
Dads of all kinds welcome, come into any class you like!
9:45am Flow
Thanks Dad.
Happy Mother’s Day! Free Yoga for All Moms Sunday
Free Yoga For Moms : This is Your Day!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Moms need yoga. Are you a Mom who needs a getaway? Want to get your mom out of the house?
Moms Yoga for Free this Mother’s Day. Come into any class you like!
9:45am & 11:30am Flow
This is our appreciation to you, Moms.
Wisdom Circle
This is an Intermediate Level Circle: We recommend having participated in at least 2 - 5 (non-beginner) circles before attending. In this 3 hour session, we will start with a circle exactly as we do in the Monthly Circling Lab. This will get us “warmed up” and put us in a place of the meditative space of connection before we move into the second half to use circling tools to explore the enactment of wisdom.
We use the tools of circling to have conversations about things that matter with a life well lived. More than a philosophical conversation, we will be exploring aliveness as it moves through our discourse.
Sign Up Here (Regular Class Rates Apply)
YACEP : Introduction to Pranayama
Introduction to Pranayama YACEP (continuing ed for certified teachers)
Meeting: Saturday April 27th : 4pm - 7:30pm
Credit: 3.5 YACEP hours
Teacher: Alex Pfeiffer, eRYT500
This Training will focus on the basics of Pranayama (breathwork) as well as move you through some of the classic Pranayama Exercises. Our goal is to provide you with a cohesive view of Pranayama so that should you encounter any new Pranayama exercise after this training, you will have an excellent sense………..
Monthly Circling Lab
We will practice two circles (practice description below) as well as have some integration time. We combine mindfulness exercises and Authentic Relating Basics to set the foundation of how to bring your feel of yoga / meditation into life, particularly social life. Regular Class Rates Apply
Cacao Ceremony: Into the Heart Temple w/ Aubree Saia
Enter the temple of the heart… behold and be held at this nurturing community gathering for spiritual nourishment and self reflection.
Ceremonial Cacao known as "The Food of the Gods" is revered as a highly vibrational sacred plant medicine. It is one of the oldest holistic practices dating back to 1900BC. Traditionally used by indigenous cultures and ancient shamans to unify ……..
Beginner’s Circle / introduction to Circling
We will introduce you to the practice of Circling (practice description below) through mindfulness exercises and Authentic Relating Basics. This will set the foundation of how to bring your feel of yoga / meditation into life, particularly social life. Regular Class Rates Apply $5, $10, $15 Donation Rates Available on Sign Up
Beginner’s Circle / introduction to Circling
We will introduce you to the practice of Circling (practice description below) through mindfulness exercises and Authentic Relating Basics. This will set the foundation of how to bring your feel of yoga / meditation into life, particularly social life. Regular Class Rates Apply $5, $10, $15 Donation Rates Available on Sign Up
Monthly Circling Lab
We will practice two circles (practice description below) as well as have some integration time. We combine mindfulness exercises and Authentic Relating Basics to set the foundation of how to bring your feel of yoga / meditation into life, particularly social life. Regular Class Rates Apply
Wisdom Circle
This is an Intermediate Level Circle: We recommend having participated in at least 2 - 5 (non-beginner) circles before attending. In this 3 hour session, we will start with a circle exactly as we do in the Monthly Circling Lab. This will get us “warmed up” and put us in a place of the meditative space of connection before we move into the second half to use circling tools to explore the enactment of wisdom.
We use the tools of circling to have conversations about things that matter with a life well lived. More than a philosophical conversation, we will be exploring aliveness as it moves through our discourse.
Sign Up Here (Regular Class Rates Apply)
Beginner’s Circle / introduction to Circling
We will introduce you to the practice of Circling (practice description below) through mindfulness exercises and Authentic Relating Basics. This will set the foundation of how to bring your feel of yoga / meditation into life, particularly social life. Regular Class Rates Apply $5, $10, $15 Donation Rates Available on Sign Up
YACEP : Introduction to Kundalini Energy
Introduction to Kundalini Energy YACEP (continuing ed for certified teachers)
Meetings: Feb 22 from 6:30 - 10pm & Feb 29 from 6:30 - 9:30pm
Credit: 6.5 YACEP hours
Teacher: Alex Pfeiffer, eRYT500
The goal of this training is to introduce you to working with Kundalini Energy. Kundalini Awakening is an extensive……..
Circling Session
One Circle. This will set the foundation of how to bring your feel of yoga / meditation into life, particularly social life. Regular Class Rates Apply $5, $10, $15 Donation Rates Available on Sign Up
Monthly Circling Lab
We will practice two circles (practice description below) as well as have some integration time. We combine mindfulness exercises and Authentic Relating Basics to set the foundation of how to bring your feel of yoga / meditation into life, particularly social life. Regular Class Rates Apply
YACEP : Teaching Chair Yoga
Teaching Chair Yoga with Introduction to Teaching Simple Meditation
Chair Yoga is a great way to introduce people to Yoga and meditation, particularly in a secular setting such as a school, library, or corporate health program, or in locations where setting out Yoga mats is impractical. Also, these simple practices make you feel so good, it is also a great way to bring more experienced students back to the basics.
Another important aspect is Chair Yoga's ACCESSIBILITY. It's important for Yoga teachers to be able to teach simple but powerful Yoga classes to beginners, older students, and others who have difficulty with some of the modern class formats. This Yoga teacher clinic will focus on some simple but effective warm-ups, stretches, and other practices that can be done in a chair and standing. In addition to the "exercises for joints and glands" we will include some simple pranayama, meditation, and other relaxation techniques. Participants will have the opportunity to share favorites of their own.
9 am : Welcome, introduction, discussion on teaching Chair Yoga,
with meditation, pranayama, and pratyahara.
9:30a : Chair Yoga class and practice
11am : Q&A and additional discussion, and sharing or additional Chair Yoga practices
11:30a : Adjourn
► For those wishing YACEP* credit, a digital certificate will be supplied for an extra $15
► A hard-copy certificate suitable for framing is also available for an additional $25 (includes digital cert.)
► No one will be turned away because of inability to pay. We have plenty of Karma Yoga exchange scholarships available! Please reach out to us if you need one.
Matt is the co-founder of MAIN STREET YOGA and is also director of Yoga Teacher Education at the Spiritual Life Society, Ohio's oldest Yoga/Meditation center. He has studied extensively with Swami Rama, Yogiraj Behramji, and many other teachers. He has been teaching Yoga, meditation, and related practices for over 45 years.